Monday, January 8, 2007

Second-half kickoff

Well, Christmas break is over - gone are the days of the things that truly matter; the three F's - family, friends, forgetting everything learned in fall semester...and it's back to class today.

A fresh breath of air in Constitutional law today; instead of having a lecture, we were eased into the semester with our meager exam marks (which thankfully didn't add a fourth 'F' to the list enumerated above) and suggestions on how to improve upon them come April. It's still better than continually re-organizing a warehouse, which is what I spent the past three weeks doing.

Well, it wasn't that bad - I wasn't feeling all that great when I wrote the Constitutional exam - I was content with it after leaving the exam, but I hadn't hit my exam-writing stride (which lost wind by the time I wrote Property) yet. So, to get a reasonably above-average mark seems OK, even if it only sets me up for disappointment when the rest of them roll in over the next little while.

The next week will be spent trying to learn how to read law books again, as well as trying to recapture a fragment of the greatness that I firmly believed that I possibly possessed going into the second week of exams. Then, it's only 12 more weeks of class until April exams!

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